Episode 10 season 1 game of thrones character list
Episode 10 season 1 game of thrones character list

episode 10 season 1 game of thrones character list

In my opinion, this was the last great episode of the series. The Winds of Winter (Season 6, Episode 10) Of course, watching Ramsay getting fed to the dogs was quite pleasing as well.ġ0. The galloping horse, Jon Snow getting sucked in the battlefield and the sinister smile of Ramsay as he watched Rickon die made us root for Jon till the end. The visuals of this battle are still etched in our memory. By the time, Sansa had reunited with Jon, but Ramsay still held captive their little brother Rickon. The battle between Ramsay Bolton and Jon Snow happened in this episode.

episode 10 season 1 game of thrones character list

The Battle of the Bastards (Season 6, Episode 9) Bran’s character story got a massive push here as he took over the powers of the Three-Eyed raven.ĩ. Watching his back story and his death, all in one episode was gut-wrenching. Hodor had become one of the loveliest characters of the show by this point. As Jon Snow faced the undead army and came very close to death, Hardhome was enough to prove that the White Walker army was going to stay undefeated as they have the ability to multiply at a swift pace. The moment when the Mountain crushed his eyeballs made us squirm.īefore we learnt that the white walkers were going to have a sudden end, this episode was perfect to establish the threat of the undead. His combat against the Mountain was an act of vengeance by him but ultimately led to his demise. The Mountain and the Viper (Season 4, Episode 8)Įven though Oberyn Martell had a short journey on the show, it was an impactful one. His face turned purple as he surrendered, and Cersei assumed that it was Tyrion who was responsible for her son’s death.Ħ. He abused that power mercilessly, so it was quite a win when he died during the second episode of the season. His plans weren’t meticulous, but he was the teenager who had gotten the chance to become a king. The Lion and the Rose (Season 4, Episode 2)īy this time, Joffrey Baratheon was the foolish villain on the show who was brutal for his own pleasure.

episode 10 season 1 game of thrones character list

The massacre of ‘The Red Wedding’ as Edmure Tully got married to Walder Frey’s daughter destroyed the fans as they lost Robb, Talisa and Catelyn. Even though we all knew that Robb Stark didn’t have the charisma to take on the seven kingdoms, we were all wishing for the Stark boy to succeed in avenging his father’s death. The memories of watching this episode haunt me to this date.

episode 10 season 1 game of thrones character list

The Rains of Castamere (Season 3, Episode 9) Even though Tyrion carried the scars of this battle until the end, it was Tywin who took the credit by waltzing into King’s Landing towards the end.Ĥ. Stannis is coming towards King’s Landing using his ships, but his plans were laid waste by Tyrion’s wildfire that creates a big green blast in the water. Ned Stark, who had been established as the main character up until this point, was now dead and with this GoT announced its arrival.īlackwater was the battle between Stannis Baratheon and the kingdom, which was planned by Tyrion Lannister. With this episode, the show established that they were going to shock the audience beyond belief. This episode first aired in 2011 but watching it in 2020 will still lead you to squint your eyes just a bit as Ned Stark gets beheaded in King’s Landing.

Episode 10 season 1 game of thrones character list